Last Updated on July 3, 2023 by Steven Root
Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease Kryptonite?
There is a large buzz around kefir these days and its many health benefits, and perhaps for good reason. There are many examples of people who incorporate fermented foods like kefir into their protocol to heal ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s who have been met with success.
It’s very important to note, however, that it is not only the kefir that is the difference between healing and not healing. There are other factors that come into play and the likelihood is that if someone is met with success, they’re doing more than just adding kefir.
In fact, Kefir is part of only 1 stage of healing from ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease. The 3 stages are:
- Bowel Rest
- Microbiome Rebalancing (kefir falls in here)
- Food Reintroduction
Contact me here if you would like help building out this plan 🙂
There is another component too that NEEDS to be taking place to be successful, and that’s managing stress.
Managing stress is essential in the successful treatment of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. You may have already noticed that your flare ups tend to occur in times when your stress levels are higher than normal. This is no coincidence.
So kefir, as powerful as it is, will almost certainly NOT be enough to eradicate your symptoms and allow you to heal from ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s Disease, you’ll need to approach it from multiple angles.
Now, that all being said..
Kefir is incredibly easy to make
I made the video below to show you just how easy it is.
Note from the video, please, that I use RAW milk kefir and that the kefir is from cows that produce the A2 Casein only. Raw milk, despite what the FDA would have you believe, is easier to digest and comes with a large number of health benefits that are absent in pasteurized milk.
Those benefits include lots of beneficial enzymes to help you break the milk down (this is one of the reasons people who can’t tolerate pasteurized milk can often tolerate raw milk), beneficial bacteria that are not DEAD as in pasteurized milk, all of the amino acids that you need, and many other wonder nutrients.
Regarding the video below, please note too that I am not a kefir making expert. But I think the fact that I am not an expert may be very valuable to you – so you can see that even a relative newbie like me can make kefir easily.
Does the milk have to be raw and A2 in order to work in alleviating symptoms of UC? Can I use pasteurized whole milk ? Or is there another alternative ?
I wouldn’t recommend store bought dairy unless it’s raw and A2 which you’ll only find in some states. IF you cant’ find it in a store you should be able to find it at a nearby farm. I would not recommend pasteurised milk.